Thursday, October 27, 2011

To Be or Not to Be...Written by Shakespeare??

Shakespeare was an amazing playwright, who wrote some of the best known and most inspiring plays that we still read and act out today. If he actually wrote them. Or at least, that's the latest conspiracy going on. There's this new movie coming out, called Anonymous, which basically tells the story about who truly wrote all the plays and poetry that William Shakespeare is accredited with. Skeptical? As am I. As is the author of this article, who got an early screening of the movie. I think that it is a silly thing to accuse Shakespeare, a long dead man, of not writing all of the literature with his name stamped on it. Don't we have better things to worry about these days, rather then try to figure out who wrote some really great literature. The point of such old classics is that they are actually here, and survived history.
Not that it isn't important who wrote it, but why go looking for trouble? Wouldn't someone of the Earl of Oxford who in the movie, writes all the plays and such but doesn't put his name on them because they were scandalous at the time, want the royalties and have said something right after his death? Someone would have known and tried to get something out of it for themselves. With a huge scandal like that, there is money to be made for someone.

The author of this movie review clearly did not enjoy the movie itself, let alone the topic. She called it hard to follow, saying that you cannot explain Elizabethan politics properly in a blockbuster movie. Other then that, the author also seemed to disagree with the movie topic, blatantly calling it a “conspiracy”. She even uses a bit of logos in it, saying that there were “50 plus” people who have been favored to write the things Shakespeare has gotten the credit for. The logic there is solid, being that if that many people have been said to have done it, how can we truly have any real idea of the history? As the author put it “The problem with history is that sometimes it just doesn’t play, and as a great man once observed, the play’s the thing.”

The article:

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