Monday, October 10, 2011

Thinking Rationally About Religion

       Religion is a very delicate subject to talk about, and I think it takes a lot for people to openly express their opinions on it, as no matter what they believe, someone out there is going to disagree with it. So I have a plethora of respect for anyone who is going to write about it, and I applaud this author. As an atheist myself, I thought the author made a very good point about religion. Apparently the author is in some sort of written on-line magazine fight with another guy, and this article was his rebuttal to the other debtor's thoughts. The other guy, whos name is Richard Dawkins, said that all people who are religious are “non-thinkers”. Personally, I find this to be condescending, ignorant and just plain ludicrous. Sure a few have gone crazy with religious power, take Hitler for example, and yes I laugh at how silly I think people are when they talk about how they think God will see them through something- side story, my cousin said that to me the day I took my driver's license road test and I laughed in her face while receiving a nasty look from my aunt. But may people have been able to think scientifically and rationally while also remaining religious (the author mentioned Al Gore in the article to make this point).

        The author's main point in writing this was to disagree with Dawkins. His main point was that religion is not a bad thing unless it starts to hurt people. Obviously this text was written with a big biased in mind, and it could even be an attempt to convince people of his side of the argument. The audience in mind was probably anyone with any sort of opinion on religion, so that is a large portion of the population. The thesis was the very last sentence of the article, “We need to try to understand each other in respectful ways. To that end, I believe that we should make room for both spiritual atheists and thinking believers.” Respect of other's belief's seems to be the best way to handle religion these days.

The article:

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