Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Continuation of the Week of the Classic Author

Dickens wrote one of my favorite books, Great Expectations, and this is why I read the article. It was interesting to read about his personal life, especially about how his relationships with women may have effected his writings. I agree with the author that his young female heroines seemed to be rather one dimensional, while the older women had some grit to them. I never knew that he was a philanthropist in a sense, he opened a shelter for women in need. It's funny to me that he tried to help the very thing he never understood, mostly people try to forget about what they do not understand.

The author wrote this article for anyone who is interested in Dickens beyond his writings. Anyone who does not enjoy his works probably would have skipped over this one. The author makes no outside references to anything, she solely focuses on Dickens. The author also seems to enjoy him very much, as she opened the article with “(n)o writer better mastered the novel’s delicate calculus of art and entertainment than Charles Dickens.” She constantly praises him throughout the text, even when talking about his faults, she mentions something positive about him right after them. The purpose of the article was to talk about a new book about Dickens, but the author seemed to use it more as an opportunity to talk about her love for Dickens the man.

The Article:

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