Saturday, November 5, 2011

Andy Rooney

I grew up with Andy Rooney in my living room on Sunday nights, and I always was excited for his segments as I heard the tick-toc of the “60 Mintues” stopwatch. No, I never really understood as a little kid what he was saying or why it mattered, but I was always perplexed by his eyebrows, and his scratchy voice. Today, as I hear about his death, a pang of jealously runs through me. No, not because he is dead, but he essentially got to complain about everything for a living. I wish I could do that. I think I would be really spectacular at it. His death is a sad one though. Sunday nights won't be the same without the sound of his whining scratchy voice rattling on about airplane travel. But before this, Rooney had a long career of great journalism. For that I resepect him. He, as the article about him mentioned, openly opposed the Iraqi War when nobody else would. He also opposed the War in Vietnam, and held his integrity by leaving CBS when they wouldn't allow him to air it and going to PBS to do so, and then winning an award for it. And here I was thinking he was just a cranky old guy with some seriously awesome eyebrows.

The author of this article was honest and respectful, giving plain information about Rooney's life, although there were a few choice adjectives to describe him, including “cranky”, “angry”, and “blunt”. Rooney himself even called his personality “vindictive”, so I think he knew what he was. 

The Article:

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