Thursday, November 10, 2011

20...21...22....Where Will it End Duggars?

I am going to go on a little rant about these people called the Duggar family. For those of you who do not know, the Duggars are a semi-famous family, and not famous for anything great, but they are famous because they have 19 kids, and one on the way. The family announced on Good Morning America last week that they are expecting their 20th child. Duggar family, why do feel that having 20 children is a necessary and healthy thing to do? Let me explain why I am so against this, and it's not just because I've been told that I'm "bad with kids". First off, think of all your other kids. Do you think that you honestly have enough time and patience to give each individual the attention and help that they all need while having to worry about 19 other people? No, I don't care how much you love your kids, there simply isn't enough time in the day to spend with each one. Secondly, there's this little thing called the world is over populated enough without you deciding that you need 20 children. The author of the article pointed out that the family is well off enough to provide for their family without any sort of outside help, but that shouldn't mean that you get to make a family as big as the mother's uterus will provide. Thirdly, Mother Duggar is 45. Most doctors agree that a pregnancy at 45 is a high risk to health, and during her last pregnancy, Michelle delivered the baby prematurely and Mother also caught preeclampsia. So what makes them think that because they don't believe in birth control of any sort, that they should put both Michelle and the baby at a high medical risk after the last borderline disaster pregnancy. They need to stop getting so excited all the time, or figure out that one of "God's miracles" might just kill someone.

The article I read was on the side of the Duggars. The author clearly sympathized with them, although she did make one crack at them saying "God, unfortunately, could not be reached for comment" when talking about how Michelle was happy about God giving them another child. So perhaps the author doesn't necessarily agree with them, but does think that people should leave them alone. The author also used pathos at the end of the article, saying "I have a friend expecting a baby she already knows has a heart condition and Down syndrome. She told me the other day, “People keep saying, ‘Maybe the doctors are wrong. Maybe there will be a miracle.’ Why can’t they understand that maybe this baby is the miracle, just as he is?” The Duggars are similarly holding steadfast to their belief that miracles don’t look the same to every set of eyes. And they see baby 20 as just as much of a blessing as No. 1 . The Duggars’ blessings aren’t yours or mine." While I think that it is convenient that the author doesn't mention how old her friend is, or if she has an excessive amount of children, so that's kind of irrelevant, she does make a nice point that these people just really love kids.


  1. Regan- i just read (and posted about) this same article! Your opinion is convincing-However- I have a soft spot for kids and although I agree with some of your points, I don't really have an issue with the family's decisions. I really don't think it's mine (or anyone elses) problem. Hopefully the baby is delivered safe and this is the last child for this freakish clan:) Nice job!

  2. Yes I do hope the baby is safe as well. If they weren't televised as a freak show to the rest of America, I don't think their existence would drive me as crazy as it does. But they are on TV, and you know what this says to the rest of the less, shall we say, intelligent population, "If you have many children you too could end up on TV."
