Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facebook's Enraging Status Update

      What immediately caught my attention about this article was obviously the relevance to my life it has. Facebook's new format is indeed, in my opinion, sincerely annoying and unnecessary. I was interested to see what a person beyond my scope of the world thought about the new changes made to the widely used sight, and the author was rather blunt about his thoughts. I enjoyed the article and I found it to be well written with a nice touch of humour. The best line in the article was without a doubt "Is that where your sister will post the picture of the lewd nun?"

    The author certainly knew what a broad spectrum of audience he was addressing, as it seems everyone is on facebook in some form these days. The use of diction clearly potrays the author's thoughts on how he feels about the changes. Words like "...beyond irritating...", "...immediately annoyed..." and better yet a bold use of italics in "Facebook had changed its user interface, again." The author's ethos was strong, as they used the appeal of what everyone else thought as evidence for their main argument. Due to so many people most likely agreeing with the author, the article seems to almost be a well written rant about the new interface. It's unlikely that anyone would disagree with them though, because even with the new changes, we still haven't gotten that long asked for "Dislike" button.

Here's the article:


  1. You know, I would probably start using Facebook much more if they allowed html. I would deliberately make maddening statuses and see if people would get them. I like the bit about the dislike button, but I would prefer an "I could not care less about this goddamn post" button because I feel like typing that out on every single status I see.

  2. I would get sucked back into Facebook so quickly if they added a dislike button.

  3. I'd probably use that dislike button like it's my job. But yes, with the new facebook, I feel like a creep with the little side bar to the right of the screen telling me every single thing going on in facebook with people I don't even know.

  4. This was what I was talking about Regan! I like your dislike sentence!
